Micronesian Storms


Over the last week or so Micronesia has had some bad storms and the headlines are pretty scary.

In general Chuuk and Yap have been hit by the most recent typhoon (Maysak) and have really suffered, but Kosrae didn’t have any damage because the storm formed to the west of us.

Here is a link to NOAA’s live weather satellite picture for our region: http://www.goes.noaa.gov/guam/GUAMIR.JPG, Micronesia Weather Satellite Photo

You can clearly see storms as they form and move across the region and a quick look might give you information that is a little more current than the headlines.

I hope that this helps,

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3 Responses to Micronesian Storms

  1. Cheryl Cassella says:

    So glad to hear you are unscathed. Our friend Kristina had so much fun visiting Kosrae and she sent on a lovely picture of she and Bruce. We miss you guys - keep safe!