Finally! My Head is Above Water!


I mean that literally, the last couple of months have been frantically busy.

The University of Washington held their second Kosrae Island Exploratory Seminar this year with Kosrae Village as their home base. The class, an absolutely wonderful group of people, was here from the second half of August through most of September.

This Saturday we just said goodbye to the 2011 coral monitoring team who have been here since the first of October. And since I work with the reef surveys my head has really been underwater for the past two weeks.

Oh yeah, tucked in the middle I had a quick trip to Pohnpei for a FSM Association of Chambers of Commerce board meeting and Bruce has gone to Guam for the Guam Micronesia Island Fair (GMIF) and travel fairs on the Guam Navy and Air Force bases this weekend. After GMIF he travels to the States for DEMA and to visit family.

Now, I *finally* have a chance to tell you about this year’s University of Washington Exploratory Seminar and my pet project, our ongoing reef inventories. Here is a link to the post about the Exploratory Seminar and the link to the reef survey post.


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