Crustaceans Rule!


Last Saturday a new volunteer coral monitoring team formed by island residents completed their first monitoring session! Since everyone is working, their monitoring schedule will be monthly on Saturdays. If you are an interested local diver you are welcome to join the group.

The conditions could not have been better, calm, clear water (177 feet visibility was measured during the monitoring session), no surge and a very mild current. The team did a great job and we will be able to keep the data, even though it was technically a “training” dive.

Here they are, in all their glory. 🙂

If any of you “off islanders” are interested in joining the September / October coral monitoring team (warm, clear tropical water, amazing hard coral reefs, US income tax deduction! How can you go wrong?) please let me know, we really need your help!


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7 Responses to Crustaceans Rule!

  1. Jill Pagels says:

    WELL DONE!!!! Fabulous work. I hope to join you in the fall.