Diving, diving, diving we will go :)

Pink anemone fish with commensal anemone

Pink anemone fish with commensal anemone


Pink anemone fish with commensal anemone


Pink anemone fish with commensal anemone, one of the first underwater photos with the ePL-1 and Inon Z-240 strobe

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2 Responses to Pink anemone fish with commensal anemone

  1. Maverick says:

    Loved going through this. Keep it up!

  2. Fernanda says:

    Great to see Kosrae Village in the blogosphere! I enjoy renidag blogs of interest to me and keep up with my favorites by putting them in an automatically updating list on my own. There are very few blogs updating out of Kosrae at present, yours is a welcome addition. Keep us posted, to the extent you are permitted to do so, on developments at Menka. I remain fascinated by Menka. The Menka kava culture is clearly that of Pohnpeian sakau: a large peitehl (stone), moahl (pounding stones), and Hibiscus tiliaceus squeezing wraps (wungwung). Lelu is clearly a different style of pounding and service, possibly sans H. tiliaceus, and using much smaller stones with grooves that apparently collected the kava (seka). The viscous fluid of Pohnpeian/Menka style sakau will not flow well down to groove in its thickest state, thus it may be that Lelu was using only a water emulsion. In any case, do keep us posted! My one unfulfilled dream in life might be to drink sakau from an ancient stone in Menka.