Apologies to you who have already received this through the Kosrae Village newsletter or Facebook page.
I’ve just updated my photo gallery. I’ve added a “Travel” section for the photos that I take when I am away from Kosrae, and a “Favorites” group to highlight the photos that are currently my most hated? nah, probably my most loved. But I’m fickle, today I love you, tomorrow? Well, we’ll see.
Never fear, probably most of YOUR favorites are still in the gallery and there are a whole lot of new ones.
You can get there from the links on the Kosrae Village main site menu or from this blog, just click on Katrina’s Photos in the menu bar. But just in case, here is the address: http://katrina-adams-photography.com.
PS - The one thing that I’m struggling with in the new gallery is the thumbnail structure. It seems to be unrelentingly horizontal and chops photos off in unexpected places. If you see a thumbnail that looks interesting (or really strange :)), click on it to see the real deal.
2 Responses to My New Photo Gallery :)