Activities on Kosrae Island, the Jewel of Micronesia

Rainforest hikes, kayaking, surfing, bird watching are among the many activities on Kosrae. Our beautiful tropical island resort is not just for sunbathing, dining and diving. The island of Kosrae abounds with natural beauty and treasures that you will want to explore.
Hike through the dense rainforests that cover the slopes of Kosrae's mountains, explore the sea coast and mangrove swamps in a kayak, visit ancient Micronesian or World War II ruins, take your binoculars and go bird watching or snorkel or surf in Micronesia's blue, blue water. There are so many activities that you will need weeks to experience them all.
Night Life
Scuba Diving
Free Diving & Snorkeling
Coral Monitoring
Rainforest Hikes
WWII Artifacts
Fishing and Blue Water Hunting
Beach Combing & Tide Pooling
Bird Watching
Canoeing & Kayaking

Night Life on Kosrae
Nightlife on Kosrae translates to wild life. Night is when many of the crabs, giant fruit bats and other animals are out and about. Fascinating and entertaining!
The night sky is also very spectacular - with no light or air pollution every feature of the sky is extremely clear. Because we are close to the equator, there is the added bonus of being able to see both Northern and Southern Hemisphere constellations. Imagine the Big Dipper and Southern Cross in the same sky!
Oh, you meant the OTHER kind of nightlife! Well, there are two bars on the island and five restaurants, ours is the best, naturally! There are several good local bands and they play at our restaurant for private parties and special occasions, like New Year's Eve.
Surfing on Kosrae
Surfing is a popular sport on Kosrae and a number of our visitors come here
specifically to surf. We see both long boards and body boards. Check Surfer Magazine for their online surf report for Kosrae.
Just remember that our surf is unpredictable and all of the breaks are on
coral, so skill and patience are required!
Scuba Diving on Kosrae Island's Incredible Reef
Kosrae is one of the premier diving destinations in the Pacific. Magnificent, pristine hard coral gardens, breath taking walls, schools of large pelagic fishes and tons of tropicals and invertebrates. You've been to Chuuk (Truk), Palau and Yap? Try the OTHER Micronesian diving destination.
Click here for more detailed information on diving on Kosrae.Free Diving & Snorkeling on Kosrae

The coral gardens that make Kosrae a divers paradise also provide world class snorkeling and free diving opportunities.
Swimming either on the reef flat for exercise or over the reef in the ocean for fun is as natural as breathing on this island.
Coral Monitoring on Kosrae
Do you want to make a contribution to the continuing health of coral reefs? Kosrae has several coral monitoring projects that are a collaborative effort between KVR and Kosrae State Marine Resources. Sport divers are welcome to join one of the monitoring teams - we provide training and logistical support. For more information email us .

Hiking on Kosrae
Kosrae has many hiking and climbing trails. In most cases a guide will accompany the hikers, the forest canopy is thick, the terrain is often rugged and the trails cross private land.
Available hikes range from easy walks through rainforest valleys to vigorous uplands forest hikes and rigorous mountain climbing.
The mountain climbing is non-technical. At times a rope will be useful, but no other equipment is necessary.
Lelu & Menka Ruins on Kosrae

Kosrae is home to the Lelu Ruins, one of the major archaeological sites in the Pacific. Touring the ancient stone walled capital is an amazing experience. One of the mysteries is how the enormous pieces of basalt were quarried, transported and put in place by pre industrial people.
Many other historical sites exist on Kosrae, one that has recently been open to the public is the Menka ruins. No archaeological work has been done at this site yet, so you get to see it deep in the jungle as it has been for hundreds of years.
WWII Artifacts on Kosrae
Kosrae was occupied by the Japanese during World War II, and has it's share of artifacts. You can easily find bunkers and the radio station on the beach. You will also see the stairs to nowhere, actually steps up a steep cliff face that use to lead to the Japanese weather station, rusting tanks and other remnants from the war while driving around the island.
Visiting some of the many Japanese caves and tunnels is a little more strenuous and will require some hiking.
Fishing and Blue Water Hunting

The fishing is all local style on Kosrae, as there are no commercial big game fishing operations. But the fish are certainly here, occasionally local fishermen will bring in a 200 pound marlin - on a hand line! These fish are bigger than the boat

Many fishermen (and women) have visited us. They bring their own tackle (fly fishing for barracuda??) or join the local fishermen.
Locally, the fishermen troll during the day and fish at night by skin diving or bottom fishing with a hook and line. Many fishermen are also skilled with the traditional throwing net.
The ladies put out small nets, glean the reef flat for shells and fish the mangrove channels for the delicious mangrove crabs.
Beach Combing and Tide Pooling on Kosrae

Walking the beach front and exploring the tide pools on the reef flat during low tide are an enjoyable pastime for all ages. Plan on wearing reef walkers or similar shoes to protect your feet and don't forget the sun block!
Bird Watching on Kosrae
Kosrae has a large number of birds, including the endangered Micronesian pigeon. Except for the doves and pigeons, a number of bird watchers have completed their lists on the KVR grounds or a short walk away. The pigeons and doves are generally found inland and require a little more effort.
Kosraean Handicrafts

The weavers on Kosrae are amongst the regions best, producing hats, bags, baskets and wall decorations. They also make sleeping mats and fish nets. In addition to offering fine handicrafts for sale, they will show how they gather and process their weaving materials. If you'd like, they will also help you try your hand at producing your own weavings.
Almost everyone you meet will be familiar with some aspect of traditional plant use, ranging from medicinal use to handicraft and building materials. They are happy to share their knowledge with visitors, demonstrating when ever possible.
Canoeing & Kayaking on Kosrae
Several knowledgeable local guides provide outrigger canoe trips into the mangrove channels that have been used by the Kosraeans for transportation for centuries. If the tide is high enough, it is possible to travel all the way from Utwe to Walung by canoe.
Kosrae Village also offers kayak tours through the mangroves, in channels too small to accommodate an outrigger.

It is also possible to surf or dive from the kayaks. Some hardy folks have even circumnavigated the island by kayak.
For years the Kosraean men have hunted the wild pigs in the mountains using machetes and dogs. It is possible to join a hunting expedition, but you need to be in very good physical condition in order to participate safely.

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This Site Updated June, 2006
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