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Kosrae Village News
What's New? Tons of Stuff!
Coral Monitoring Project 2006
Ok - time to get yourself in gear! The 2006 Coral Monitoring survey period (annual since 1996) will be September 16 - 29.

With a Saturday arrival, we generally plan on acclimation and jet lag recovery Saturday, land training on Sunday and Monday we DIVE! Then we plan on starting our working dives on the Tuesday.
Generally, we have enough time that we can do one working dive and one fun dive each diving day (but don't tell any one - as far as they are concerned you are slaving away - in 150+ foot vis, in 84 f. degree water, with turtles, barracuda, rare tropicals and rainbow runners dancing around you. maybe some mermaids....
Sigh - it's a rough life...
On the (more) serious side, the collected data will be submitted to the Kosrae State Fisheries Department for their use in managing the essential reef resource and to Reef Check for inclusion in the International Coral Reef Data Base.
What do you need to know in order to join the survey team?? You must be dive certified. We'll teach you the rest! And as a bonus we'll help strengthen your diving and buoyancy skills.
So - JOIN US! Dive, have fun, learn something AND make a contribution to the continuing health of our ocean.
Will McFarland at World of Diving ( generously arranged very low cost airfare for the team - remember him when you travel again!
If you would like additional information on the coral monitoring project take a look at this page or e-mail us . You can see photos and data collected by previous teams on the OceanEarth site at
PLUS - Rob LaGrone's great Jetsetter article on the 2005 Coral Monitoring project is posted here.
Ancient History
Felicia Beardsley was back on Kosrae over July and August 2005 with a huge mapping project in the Tofol area. The team made up of Kosrae Office of History and Culture Preservation staff, participants of the archaeological training program in site mapping from the University of Science and Technology of China; the Marshall Islands; Guam; and Saipan and the core Kosraean field crew: Hamlet Jim, Joseph Jonithin, Houver Alik, Kilafwa Mike, and Hosia J. Alokoa may have uncovered the Finol Tokosra site. This site has major cultural significance for Kosrae. Click here for Dr. Beardsley’s paper presented at the VI International Conference on Easter Island and the Pacific this September.
Bruce spent quite a bit of time photographing the progress of the site mapping and spending “off hours” with Felicia searching the Utwe mangrove area for ancient canoe landings and exploring further into the Menka site. Many of his photos are on the archeology page (*warning*: the archeology page is photo intensive and loads slowly).
Kosrae Island News
Kosrae Festival of the Arts
September 6 - 12, 2005 saw a non stop celebration of Kosraean culture as well as the WWII liberation. You will find MANY photos of the 2004 festival on the scrapbook page.
This is an annual event, so if you are headed to Kosrae in September try to arrange to be here during the Festival week.

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This Site Updated June, 2006
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