Free Diving Personal Best Depth Record

Wes Lapp, a dedicated free diver and a Kosrae Village guest in February 2004, was striving to achieve a personal best record of 100 feet.
After several practice sessions and considerable planning Wes, Nancy and the Kosrae Village dive team headed out for the record attempt on February 16.
There was some swell and surface current, visibility was about 100 feet. The team decided that conditions were acceptable for the attempt.
Safety divers were put into position and Wes made several warm up dives. Rescue procedures were practiced during the warm up sessions.
Then finally the big moment, did he make it?
Roman, the deep safety waiting at 95 feet, said “Wes passed me and just kept going, he turned just as I started down after him”.
Wes says that our fringing reef walls are perfect for deep free dives as they are close to the shore and provide a good reference during the dive. They are also a lot deeper that any of us will ever go!
Wes was using a Suunto Mosquito computer in the free diving mode. The mosquito allows computer download, so we were able to download and print the dive profile:

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