The Kosrae Village Staff
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The Dream Dive Team, the most excellent Kosrae Village Dive Team!
Roman Melander
is a PADI Divemaster and supervises the diving team (as well as a clown extraordinary!). Roman is working on his technical diving certifications and his Assistant Instructor rating. In his "spare" time you will find him working with Jarino on the construction and maintenance.
Chaffin Timothy
is a PADI Rescue Diver and is working on Divemaster.
Gordon Joel
is a boat operator and has been with us since we first started construction in 1994. Gordon does everything from construction and maintenance to assisting with all of the touring.
Roman Melander
Chaffin Timothy
Gordon Joel
Inum Restaurant Staff
Alanzo O'Daol
Shra Livaie
Erikson Timothy
Carson Timothy
Shra Livaie
is one of the morning cooks and an extremely talented baker.
Carson Timothy
is a morning cook and baker. Carson is also a Rescue Diver so you if you have comments about your dive lunch, the cook might just be on the boat with you!
Alanzo O'Daol
Erikson Timothy
and are the dinner cooks and have developed a number of delicious recipes using local ingredients in new and creative ways. As one recent guest said, "this is the BEST restaurant in the Pacific!"
Other Staff
Sepe Joel
is our assistant manager, runs the office, handling the reservations and guest relations as well as payroll and all of the "back office" tasks required by an operation this size. Sepe also coordinates activities in the restaurant.
Jarino Koyama
supervises the construction and maintenance crew. Jarino is also a PADI Divemaster, so don't be surprised if you see him on the boats as well!
Swin Charley and Gordon Joel
work with Jarino on the construction and maintenance. You are likely to see them everywhere on the grounds.
Lizenda Cornelius
handles our shopping and greets people at the airport. Her smiling face will be the first of many Kosrae Village smiles you will meet.
Elitcher Johnnyboy
is one of the housekeepers and is also trained in traditional Kosraean therapeutic massage.
Morson Langu and Ricky Elieisar
handle the Kosrae Village security needs.
The Guard Cat Gang
will do their best to persuade you to feed feed, they prefer lobster and sashimi! Don't give in, as you can see, they are VERY well fed!
Madison Nena
one of the Kosrae Village owners, had a life long dream of building an old style Kosraean village, both for visitors to enjoy and for local Kosraean to practice their traditional skills. Madison is also the President of the Kosrae Conservation and Safety (KCSO) Board.
Bruce Brandt and Katrina Adams
the other two owners of Kosrae Village, moved to Kosrae from the US to help Madison realize his dream. Katrina is the general manager of Kosrae Village and Bruce directs the water sports and touring as well as the ongoing construction and maintenance.
Sepe Joel
Jarino Koyama
Swin Charley
Lizenda Cornelius
Madison Nena
Katrina Adams
Bruce Brandt

Guard Cats!

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This Site Updated September, 2006
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