Technical Expeditions Kosrae
New Discoveries!
November 2003
We have heard rumors of sunken ships with approximate locations, depth unknown. It is unlikely that we will find any evidence of it due to the reef angle but you never know.
The Mission -
To determine if wreck evidence can be found or other reasons for further deep exploration exist.
The Plan -
Dives to 150’ plus another dive at least 24 hours later to 165’ if evidence is seen
Day 1
A modified dive plan was made in order to do a Manta Board tow across the reef area of one of the suspected wreck sites. A 20 minute pass at 100 feet followed by a 15 minute pass to cover the balance of the area.
The first dive was uneventful with no wreck evidence found. Following a surface interval and lunch we commenced the second dive. At the end of the second dive some wreckage was spotted There was little time remaining but a quick look around was enough to ensure that the quantity and size of the debris field was such that it had to be a wreck site. Depth at the shallow end was 85 feet with scattered wreckage going off and down into the blue. Upon surfacing plans were immediately made for further exploration the following day.
Day 2
The plan - a single tank dive no deeper then 130’ following the debris field out and down marking the field with a floating marker.
The debris field seemed to end at about 120’ and no further debris was seen. A flat sandy spot near the end of the debris could indicate the spot where the main hull hit the reef then slid deeper. A marker was tied off in the middle of the debris field.
Another sweep of the area at 130 feet is planned
What ship is this? Why did she go aground? As we fill in the picture, we will post our findings.
November 11
A 30 minute dive to 130 was planned and carried out by Bruce Brandt, Roman Melander and Katrina Adams. The purpose of this dive was to search the far edges of the debris field for additional evidence of the vessel itself. Unfortunately no further evidence was found and we are left with many questions on the bits of wreckage previously found.
Sand Fall
On a recent sport dive an area where a large quantity of sand seemed to end abruptly with a slight fog of sand which seems to indicate a sand fall.
This could also indicate a cave entrance over the edge The depth at the top of the presumed fall or cave overhang about 130 feet. A deep dive to 160’ to see what’s over the edge and how deep it goes is being planned
Kosrae's reef below 130 feet is totally unexplored. With advances in technical procedures, equipment and training, technical dive teams are beginning to explore some of the deeper walls.
What's there? New or rare organisms? Wrecks? Be the first to know!
Here are some photos of technical training and of a team hanging at a deco bar following a 150 foot dive at Hiroshi point.
We found huge fans at our 150 foot maximum depth. We could see even larger fans deeper still. We plan to make a dive to the deeper fans in the next month, who knows what might live in and around them.
15 Foot Stop
O2 Sure Helps!
Juice is Nice Too!

Technical Training
Of course, before we could do these dives, we had to have the necessary training!
Kosrae Village and Sleeping Lady Divers offer all levels of Technical SCUBA Diver certifications from Introductory Nitrox and Deep Air to Advanced Nitrox and Technical Divemaster, plus EANx blender.
We also offer Specialty classes through our sport diving certification agencies. While some class names are similar, the IANTD courses are full technical level certifications far beyond the sport diving versions.
Technical diving is not a prudent choice for all recreational divers. In fact, it's for the select few who are willing to make the sacrifices and meet the demands, dive by the highest codes of safety, understand and accept the risk, and above all accept the responsibility of their own decisions!
Technical diving is self-sufficient, non-dependent diving. It is equipment intensive. You must have your own equipment and be completely familiar with it. If you are just getting started with technical diving, check with an experienced tec diver before you buy your equipment, some sport diving equipment looks like technical equipment but really isn't.
Learning to Deploy Lift Bags
Learning to Manage Deco and Travel Bottles

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